Code of Business Conduct
The Player Code of Conduct
A failure to adhere to these Codes of Conduct will result in measures deemed appropriate by RBA staff up to and including, for serious violations, an expulsion from RBA events and facilities.
As an athlete and member of RBA I understand that I am expected to abide by the Player’s Code of Conduct and expectations laid out by my coaches.
I will respect the game, my teammates, my coaches and the umpires.
I will never argue an umpire’s call or make comments to an umpire from the field or bench.
I will not argue a coach’s decision.
I will settle disagreements with coaches and other players in a confidential or otherwise private manner after games and practices, away from other athletes.
I will not fault other players when mistakes occur.Teammates lift each other up, they do not push them down.
I will always try to be in control of my temper.
I will work hard for myself and my team.
I will take pride in everything I do on the ball field and in the practice facility.
I will make every effort to maximize my playing ability.
I will lead by example.
I will play by the rules.
Head and Assistant Coach Code of Conduct
As a coach for the Reds Baseball Academy I will ensure that my coaching conduct is that of an adult, led with the best interests of the athlete and the Reds Baseball Academy in mind. To meet that expectation, I will:
Know the rules and abide by them.
Instruct RBA athletes on the rules and coach in a manner that motivates each athlete to compete according to the rules at all times.
Ensure the health and safety of all athletes to include arm health, and in the absence of rules, act in the interest of player health and longevity regardless of the situation.
Respect the umpires and refrain from questioning calls and decisions in a disrespectful manner.
Ensure athletes and spectators follow game and practice facility rules, regulations and staff guidance.
Ensure RBA fans and spectators conduct themselves with sportsmanship and maturity when present for games or practices.
Respect the coaching staff of the opposing team win or lose.
Teach each player, especially through personal example, to be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.
Strive to keep your emotions in check.
Refrain form the use of alcohol during RBA activities and competition.
Instruct support persons (bookkeepers etc.) regarding your expectations.
Win and lose respectfully.
Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct
Each parent or spectator will ensure his/her conduct at all RBA games and events is that of a mature adult and is consistent with actions taken in the best interest of the athlete and the RBA organization. To meet that expectation I will:
Respect the rules of the game.
Respect the umpires, coaches and players and refrain from questioning their decisions or from addressing them in a loud, disrespectful or abusive manner.
Cheer in a positive, supportive manner without derogatory or otherwise disparaging remarks about the opponent.
Adhere to all game and RBA facility rules.
Always demonstrate appropriate gestures of sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game, win or lose.
Realize, accept and practice the principle that a team or organization’s reputation is built not only on its ability to play but also on its sportsmanship, courtesy and citizenship of its fans.
Support RBA staff and coach efforts at all times and maintain open communication.Always seek to discuss concerns or issues privately, away from other spectators and athletes.